Wisdom Tooth Removal Brisbane: Why Do We Need To Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth removal is a common procedure that oral surgeons perform. There are a few reasons why we need to remove wisdom teeth. The first reason is that wisdom teeth can become impacted, which means they can grow in at an angle and become stuck. This can cause pain, infection, and damage to the surrounding teeth. The second reason is that wisdom teeth can crowd other teeth and cause problems with alignment. The third reason is that wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean, which can lead to cavities and gum disease.

If you are considering wisdom teeth removal, it is important to consult with an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth extraction in Brisbane, QLD, to see if it is the right decision for you.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Brisbane

What Are The Benefits Of Removing Wisdom Teeth?

Cleaning wisdom teeth is often done to prevent future oral health problems. The following are some of the benefits of considering wisdom tooth removal:

  1. Increases Bone Density and Strength – Removing wisdom teeth can increase bone density and strength. This is because more space is created inside the jawbone due to the removal of two or more teeth. Over time, this can help to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.
  2. Improves Smile Appearance – Wisdom tooth removal may be a good option if one’s smile appears undesirable because of overcrowding or a lack of dental space. A properly executed surgery can dramatically improve the appearance of one’s smile, making it more confident and functionally advantageous.
  3. Prevents Dental Cavities – A cavity arises when decay etches away tooth substance below the gum line. Wisdom tooth removal can help to prevent cavities by removing any other Decay-causing factors, such as a potent sugary diet or acidic foods eaten consecutively without brushing and flossing regularly!

Types Of Wisdom Teeth

Several types of wisdom teeth issues can occur in adults. These include:

  1. The first type of wisdom tooth is known as an impaction wisdom tooth. This is when an adult loses one or more wisdom teeth due to crowding or damage from another tooth.
  2. The second type is known as a missing wisdom tooth. This is when an adult loses one or more wisdom teeth and never grows them back.
  3. The third type is known as a malpositioned wisdom tooth. This is when one or more of an adult’s wisdom teeth falls out, but they do not grow back into the correct position in your jawbone.
  4. The fourth type is known as a thrust Wisdom Tooth. This is when an adult’s front two wisdom teeth get stuck above their gumline and must be removed through surgery.

The Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

Wisdom teeth extraction is a common dental procedure. It is typically performed by an oral surgeon, although some dentists also perform the surgical procedure. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, although some patients may opt for general anesthesia. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that the patient does not have to stay overnight in the hospital.

The first step of the procedure is to make an incision in the gums. This is done in order to expose the wisdom teeth. Next, the teeth are removed. The surgeon will then clean the area and close the incisions with stitches.

The recovery process is typically fairly short. Patients may experience some swelling and pain for a few days after the procedure. They will be given pain medication to help with this. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a week, click here to learn more.

How Can We Remove Wisdom Teeth Safely And Effectively?

When it comes to removing wisdom teeth, there are a variety of ways to go about it safely and effectively. Here are a few tips:

  1. Consult your dentist or an oral surgeon to see the best approach for you. There are various techniques for removing wisdom teeth, each with its own benefits and drawbacks.
  2. Decide what approach works best for you – there is no one-size-fits-all answer regarding removal methods. Some patients opt for traditional surgery, while others undergo laser surgery or removal through small incisions.
  3. Make sure to take care of your oral health before surgery by brushing and flossing regularly and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. These procedures can help minimise infection risk following wisdom tooth removal.
  4. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine or alcohol before surgery – these substances can increase the risk of vomiting and other postoperative complications.
  5. Be patient – the whole process of removing wisdom teeth can be slightly uncomfortable, but it will soon be over!

What Are The Risks Of Not Removing Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars most people get in their late teens or early twenties. They’re called wisdom teeth because they come in at a wisdom-filled time in your life. But not everyone’s wisdom teeth come in without a hitch. In fact, wisdom teeth surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in Australia.

There are a few reasons why your wisdom teeth might need to be removed. One is that they may be growing in at an angle, which can crowd or damage other teeth. Another is that they may only partially erupt or grow in, leaving a flap of gum tissue covering part of the tooth. This can trap food and bacteria, which can lead to infection.

If you have wisdom teeth that need to be removed, your dentist or oral surgeon will numb the area around your teeth and gums. You may be given sedation to help you relax. The surgeon will make small cuts in your gum tissue to expose your wisdom teeth. Then, the teeth will be removed, either in one piece or in several pieces.

After your wisdom teeth are removed, your mouth will be stitched up. You’ll likely experience some swelling and pain afterwards, which can be managed with pain medication. You’ll also need to stick to soft foods for a few days while your mouth is still in the healing process.

While wisdom tooth extraction is a fairly routine procedure, there are some risks involved. These include:

  • Infection
  • Damage to other teeth
  • Nerve damage
  • Jawbone damage
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Dry socket (when the blood clot that forms in the socket after surgery is dislodged)
  • Pain and swelling
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • Numbness or tingling in your lips, tongue, or chin
  • Temporary paralysis of your facial muscles


Why do dentists always recommend removing wisdom teeth?

There are many reasons why a dentist recommends removing wisdom teeth. The most common reason is that they often become infected and need to be removed to prevent serious health problems. Additionally, Wisdom teeth can sometimes cause dental extractions or other complications.

Is it necessary to get a wisdom tooth removed?

There is no clear-cut answer, as wisdom tooth removal depends on the individual’s medical history and dental needs. In general, however, most experts agree that for most people, wisdom teeth are best removed when they become bothersome or interfere with normal eating and drinking.

Can you ask to keep your wisdom teeth after removal?

If you are 18 or older, there is no reason why you can’t ask to keep your wisdom teeth after they have been removed. However, there may be some circumstances where it would not be appropriate to do so, such as if there is a significant likelihood that wisdom teeth will need to be replaced in the future.

Do wisdom teeth count as extraction?

For the most part, wisdom teeth do not count as an extraction since they are not in the way of something else. However, if there is potential for them to become impacted or crooked, then they may need to be removed through an Extraction.

Is it beneficial to remove wisdom teeth?

There is no definitive answer, as the removal of wisdom teeth can have a number of potential benefits or disadvantages. Removal may help improve your jaws’ overall health while reducing the risk of tooth decay and other oral health problems. However, there are risks associated with any surgery, including pain and infection. If you are considering having your wisdom teeth removed, discussing the possible benefits and risks of wisdom teeth with your doctor before making a decision is important.

What are the pros and cons of removing wisdom teeth?

The pros of removing wisdom teeth are that they can cause pain and problems with chewing, speech, and smiling. The cons are that the surgery is often very painful, and risks such as infection.