My Choice Matters helps people with disabilities and their families live their lives their way while maximizing the benefits of the changing disability system. Our goal is to assist you in learning and practising new ways of doing things, as well as developing and growing your Choice, Voice, and Control skills. We believe that having these three qualities in your life is critical!

Choice entails actively selecting options, alternatives, and possibilities, as well as making the best decisions for you!
Having a voice, being heard, and speaking up!
Control: the ability to make it happen, the ability to put your choice and voice into action.

The goal of My Choice Matters is to help universities teach in ways that help students learn in meaningful ways. The Center for Teaching helps members of the My Choice Matters community become better teachers. This helps the university meet its educational goals and improves the learning experiences of its students.

We have programs and services in four main areas that overlap and help us reach our goal:

Offering workshops, seminars, and one-on-one consultations to help teachers develop and improve their basic teaching skills;
As part of their continuing professional development, consultants help teachers adopt and evaluate new ways to teach;
promoting conversations on campus about teaching and learning that are based on what’s going on in higher education nationally and internationally as well as on local issues and priorities; and
Finding, sharing, and advocating for research-based practices and the resources that support them in university teaching.
Anyone in the My Choice Matters community who wants to improve their teaching practices can use our services.

We do what we do because we know that teaching is a skill that can be learned and improved over time. Instructors of all levels of experience can get better at what they do and keep improving their methods. There is no one right way to teach because each situation is different. As teachers, the choices we make and the ways we teach should be guided by our pedagogical goals, fit our specific teaching contexts (content, students, environment), and be based on what we know about how people learn and how to teach.

We promote effective teaching through a variety of complementary processes. We use and add to the body of research on how people learn and teach. We help people learn more about how learning works by helping them think critically about how they teach and how their students learn. At My Choice Matters, we help teachers connect with each other so that they can learn from and support each other’s teaching experiences. And, in concert with the Provost’s office and a network of partners across the campus, we foster institutional structures and resources that support effective teaching at My Choice Matters.